Nantucket, Here We Come!


After so many months of venturing no further than our front porch to play music together (practicing jazz tunes on ukulele and harmonica), we can’t wait for our annual concert in the garden of the Nantucket Atheneum, on Friday, August 6 at 11 AM. If you happen to be on the island then, the garden is a magical spot. In Moby Dick, Herman Melville writes about how the seafarers from this tiny island conquered the seven seas, ““What wonder, then, that these Nantucketers, born on a beach, should take to the sea for a livelihood! They first caught crabs and quohogs in the sand; grown bolder, they waded out with nets for mackerel; more experienced, they pushed off in boats and captured cod; and at last, launching a navy of great ships on the sea, explored this watery world; put an incessant belt of circumnavigations round it.. . . And thus have these naked Nantucketers, these sea hermits, issuing from their ant-hill in the sea, overrun and conquered the watery world like so many Alexanders.” You can still feel that history when you set foot on the island.

NewsScott Billington